Posts Tagged ‘ classic ’

The Classic–Modified

Just a day after the childhood classic popped up, we get pretty much the same thing, with some slight folding modifications.  Really the only differences here are in the way the wing-undersides are folded into the chassis.  You can look at the pictures yourself to see.  I do want to call out that this modified version flies a bit better than the original classic.  It flies straighter and with less altitude variation, making for a more accurate throw.  I like it.

Feb 11th – The Glider



The Classic

I’ve been waiting for this thing to pop up.  I was wondering when I’d walk up to this calendar and see my childhood paper airplane waiting for me.  Today is the day.  I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid this sucker was the jam.  The typical paper airplane.  That means a couple of things:

1 – Easy to fold

2 – Flies radically

3 – Quick to make

4 – Easy to modify

Why this thing is called the Arumakan I’ll never know.  I honestly don’t care.  I call this thing, the childhood-classic. 

Feb 10th – Childhood-Classic

